Test Glossary Entry

General Information

Authorized Trade Names in US:
(All names are trademark of the respective manufacturer)

Common Methods / Routes of Administration:

FDA Established Pharmacological Class (EPC):

Drug Evaluation & Classification Program Category:

Federal (DEA) Schedule:

May be found as a metabolite of:

NSC ADID Recommended Tier:

NSC ADID Recommended Blood Screen / Confirm Cutoffs:

NSC ADID Recommended Urine Screen / Confirm Cutoffs:

NSC ADID Recommended Oral Fluid Screen / Confirm Cutoffs:

ANSI / ASB Std. 120 Required Minimum Sensitivity (Blood):

Therapeutic Blood Concentrations

Micrograms per liter (μg/L) or
Nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL)
Milligrams per liter (mg/L) or
Micrograms per milliliter (μg/mL)
Baselt (2020)
Schulz, et al. (2020)
Winek, et al. (2001)

References for Therapeutic Ranges

R.C. Baselt. Disposition of Toxic Drugs and Chemicals in Man, 12th edition, Biomedical Publications, Seal Beach, CA, 2020, ISBN 978-0-578-57749-4

Schulz M, Schmoldt A, Andresen-Streichert H, Iwersen-Bergmann S. Revisited: Therapeutic and toxic blood concentrations of more than 1100 drugs and other xenobiotics. Crit Care. 2020 May 6;24(1):195. doi: 10.1186/s13054-020-02915-5. PMID: 32375836; PMCID: PMC7201985.

Winek CL, Wahba WW, Winek CL Jr, Balzer TW. Drug and chemical blood-level data 2001. Forensic Sci Int. 2001 Nov 1;122(2-3):107-23. doi: 10.1016/s0379-0738(01)00483-2. PMID: 11672964.

Note Regarding Schulz, et al. values: When a value is expressed in brackets or parentheses, it typically indicates an extension of the corresponding lower or upper parameter based upon unique or unusual conditions (e.g., very old or very young patients,  high or low body mass, adapted tolerance to the drug, etc.) See page 84 of the attachment to Shulz et al. for a more complete description.

Caution: Refer to source text for further details of values provided. Be cognizant of sample matrix (e.g., serum vs. whole blood) and dosing regimen that resulted in stated values, when such information is available and disclosed. See ANSI / ASB Best Practice Recommendation 037: Guidelines for Opinions and Testimony in Forensic Toxicology for further guidance on appropriate application of such information.


Mechanism of Action


Notable Metabolites


Notable Drug Interactions



Baselt (2020)

Schulz, et al. (2020)

Effects on Performance & Behavior

Ocular Effects

For a detailed explanation of how ocular effects may affect performance, see the Ocular Performance page.

Manufacturer Warnings

General Indicators


Drug Evaluation & Classification Program Major Indicators

Note: The symptomatology chart shown above is for the associated category of drugs. Actual manifestations of  intoxicated / impairment are more variable than can be fully encapsulated in this syndromic reference. Partial or atypical presentations do not necessarily imply less significance, and may still prove valuable to identifying drug impairment and potential causes. This is of particular relevance in cases of multi-substance impairment.

External Links

Drug Images:

Click Here to view images from the Drugs.com Pill Identifier.

Prescriber’s Digital Reference:

Click Here for prescriber reference material, indications, dosages, and more detailed drug interaction information.

NCTR: FDA Label Search:

Click Here for FDA Labels

Structured Product Labeling Archive:

Click Here for a more extensive repository of drug labels.


These references have been reviewed by the SOFT Drugs & Driving Committee and placed on their DUI-D literature page.

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Driving Studies

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Other Studies

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