Sponsorship Policy
At DrugImpairment.com, we welcome a limited number of sponsorships from relevant organizations, manufacturers, and other leaders in the drug impairment industry. These sponsorships, which are a form of advertising, enable us to fund the development of our valuable content. We provide opportunities for sponsors to bring you their marketing message and information about their products and services by publishing their information or links within our site. We want to ensure that you can clearly identify content that is provided by and is under the editorial control of our sponsors before you view it, so you can make an informed decision as to whether or not to view it.
In order to clearly distinguish content that is created or provided by one of our sponsors, we always label content from our sponsors as “From Our Sponsor”, “Sponsored by”, “Promoted by”, or “By (Sponsor’s Name)”. The sponsor is responsible for the accuracy and objectivity of their content and the content may not reviewed by the DrugImpairment.com for accuracy, objectivity or balance.