Inhalants of Abuse: Core Concepts
Course Description:
The pharmacology lecture for this course will explore mechanisms of action for inhalants, where known, and discuss other relevant parameters – such as their rapid absorption and subsequent inhibitory effects. Then in the forensic toxicology lecture, learners will explore the instability of inhalants, important considerations for minimizing their volatile nature in forensic samples, behavioral effects, and other forensic aspects of inhalant impairment. The course will be wrapped up with a clinical toxicology lecture that discuss the abuse patterns of inhalants in youth and clinical effects of inhalants on the body.
Recommended Learners:
Dr. Michelle Peace
Dr. Peace is a forensic toxicologist and a Full Professor in the FEPAC-accredited Department of Forensic Science at VCU and is one of the founding faculty for the Department. She served as Associate Chair and Chair for nearly a decade. See full bio.
Joseph Jones, MS
Mr. Jones has been working in forensic science since 2006, and today is the System Director for the North Louisiana Criminalistics Laboratory. In this capacity, he serves in an executive role overseeing two forensic laboratories and an evidence hub in the northern 29 parishes of Louisiana. See full bio.
Dr. Dayne Laskey
Dr. Laskey is an associate professor at the University of Saint Joseph in West Hartford, CT. He received a PharmD from the University of Connecticut, completed his pharmacy practice residency at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, and his clinical toxicology fellowship from the Georgia Poison Center. See full bio.