Matthew Myers Founder 

Matthew Myers, MS, MPA


Matt draws upon a unique combination of scientific education and field law enforcement experience to provide informative education on drug impairment. His perspectives integrate practical experience from hands-on evaluation of impaired subjects with a detailed understanding of acute drug intoxication from advanced education on pharmacology and toxicology.

In 20 years of law enforcement experience, Matt has worked in a wide variety of positions. However, his passion has always remained in highway safety – with particular emphasis on impaired driving enforcement. As Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) and DRE Instructor, he routinely participates in the evaluation of drug impaired subjects and has lectured widely on the topic to officers, toxicologists, attorneys, and judges.

Some of Matt’s education activities include completion of a master’s degree in Clinical Toxicology from University of Florida’s College of Pharmacy, Harvard Medical School Extension’s “HMX Pro” Pharmacology program, and courses from the Center for Forensic Science Research & Education on Forensic Pharmacology, Applied Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacology for Forensic Toxicologists, Effects of Drugs on Human Performance and Behavior, and more.

Matt contributes regularly to advisory and consensus bodies in the fields of sobriety testing, toxicology, and highway safety. He serves as a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Highway Safety Committee, is a previous Chair of the IACP DRE Section, a member of the National Safety Council’s Alcohol, Drugs and Impairment Division, and an appointed representative on the Forensic Toxicology Consensus Body of the American Academy of Forensic Science’s Academy Standards Board.

The Origin of was founded by Matt Myers, a career law enforcement officer who fought through repeated obstacles to get training on drug impairment. As a young officer, Matt frequently dealt with drivers on drug cases and recognized the need for training beyond basic field sobriety testing. Unfortunately,  his agency repeatedly declined to approve Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) training, citing a lack of need for advanced education in this area. Undeterred, Matt eventually completed DRE training and field certification on vacation leave. After initial DRE training, Matt was frustrated with the limited opportunities to continue education in that path. Further complicating matters, the high-quality training that did exist exceeded budgetary limitations of his agency – even after gaining more supportive management. Matt worked extra jobs to fund his attendance to the Borkenstein courses, several other trainings / conferences, and eventual completion of a master’s degree in Clinical Toxicology.  Having experienced the challenges of continued education in this space, he resolved to make training on drug impairment more accessible to everyone who needs it.

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