Alcohol Essentials: Breath Testing

Course Description:
This course continues our Alcohol Essentials series and focuses on Breath Alcohol Testing. Participants will learn about fundamental principles of breath testing and its association with blood alcohol concentration. Instruction is provided on preliminary breath test instruments, their working principles, and their advantages and limitations. Evidential breath testing devices, calibration methods, and the biological considerations involved in breath alcohol testing are also included. Additionally, common challenges and updates in breath testing standards are discussed, providing a comprehensive understanding of the technology and its forensic applications.

Recommended Learners:
Alcohol Essentials Breath Alcohol Testing Course Cover

This course has been reviewed by ABFT and determined to be acceptable for submission to the ABFT for continuing education credit.

Picture of Carrie Kirkton

Carrie Kirkton

Carrie Kirkton is a Supervisor of Forensic Services in the Toxicology Section of the New York State Police Forensic Investigation Center. She has a BS in Chemistry and a Master of Science degree in Forensic Science. See full bio. 
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